Heartfelt Worship
We believe worship is heartfelt adoration and honor directed toward God. In our attempt to encounter God and receive God, we know that loving, faithful, heartfelt worship is more important than rituals or traditions. Christians are to present our bodies and give our lives as living sacrifices to Him. We express joy and thankfulness and also appeal to God to help us develop a better relationship with Him through true and authentic worship. We believe that when we worship together, it serves to bring us closer to both God and one another.
We believe that the Bible is the living and true word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and our absolute authority in life. It is good for teaching His principles, recognizing sin, correcting our lives, and training us to be Christlike. God's Word has transformative power to illuminate our spiritual life; a life of joy, peace, and excitement!

Cornerstone church is led by a group of spiritually mature, loving members that we call Elders. Our Elders have been recognized among us as being outstanding examples of discipleship and spirituality, possessing the characteristics found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. In addition, Deacons (meaning "servants") fulfill various service roles in our family and lead many of the ministries of the church under the direction of the Elders.

Senior Minister
Keith Caselman and his wife Ana started working for the church in 2011. Keith has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Arkansas. He and Ana, who was raised in Bolivia, lived throughout the United States while building their careers. Keith worked in the recreation industry for companies like Disney and the YMCA, and Ana worked in the medical science industry. They returned to Farmington, AR, to Keith’s childhood farm in 1995 to raise their four children. Keith worked in IT as an information technology and web services manager until 2011 when he resigned to take on a more purposeful career. In September of that year, Keith was invited to interview for the youth director’s position at this church. After three years of serving as youth minister, Keith was asked to become the full-time preaching minister. Keith brings a fresh perspective of preaching based on thousands of hours of biblical study balanced with real world application from working 30 years in the corporate world.